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Fishing Derby

Registration opens at 7:45 AM.

Derby Runs from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM.

Age categories: 0-5 Years, 6-10 Years, 11-16 Years.


This is a catch and release derby.

The registration Desk is located ½ up the road along the river.


Please ensure you register upon arrival. 

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Prizes will be awarded as follows:

Top prize - Biggest fish overall
Winner of the Don Ciuciura Memorial Award & a Fishing Package
(retail value TBD).


1st, 2nd & 3rd prize in each age category by weight.

After the top prizes – every child that registered 
will receive a smaller prize.



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Family Fishing Weekend — February 17-19, 2024.
Mother's Day Weekend — May 11-12, 2024.
Father's Day Weekend — June 15-16, 2024.
Family Fishing Week — June 29-July 7, 2024.

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